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Full Steam Ahead: BRIO supports toy retailers with socialPALS

While there should be some movement when the eyes are still, too much movement can indicate a potential instability somewhere in the central nervous system. A friend and mentor once told me that the brain is the ultimate virtual reality machine. The brain gets information from 3 sensory systems: the proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems. Proprioception is defined as the awareness of the body and movement in space. When muscles are lengthened, their specialized nerve receptors are stimulated which communicates movement to the brain. The vestibular system tells the brain where the head is in space via its small sensory organs housed within the inner ear.

¡Hola mundo!
Councilwoman Doreen Kray
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What’s with all the eye stuff by Adam Wolf, PT

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Councilwoman Doreen Kray | Newburgh Heights, OH | Official Website
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Hot David Shem-Tov – Stubbs&Co. London
BRIO supports toy retailers with socialPALS campaign
tab-pattern-bg | Косметология New Way clinic Москва

Nice Case. Товары и услуги. Новости 2. Фото

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